Friday, March 19, 2010

Comfin' it up

Mom has decided to go on a mission of craftiness and make our cage SUPER comfy this weekend. She started last night with a test strip, and then completed one whole blanket while watching a movie. It only took about an hour, and then we had a comfy.... thing, for my favorite spot in the cage--- The very top!

She did it by following the steps for a double knot blanket, which requires no sewing, but she made it smaller. This one just turned out to be the perfect size, because she used all of the one remnant she bought. Now, if she could only remember the measurements for that one, the whole project would be a lot easier.

This one has monster trucks on it, but she also picked up remnants at the fabric store with polka dots and stars. And the hammocks she ordered for us have Shamrocks on them, so it will be a crazy fun cage by the end of the weekend.

I hope she finishes soon, because I cannot wait for more of this awesomeness.

Thanks mom!
